by Fernando Reyes | Sep 17, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Corona, covid_19, Einkaufszentrum, Hamburg, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Interview, Kunden, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark sounds good in, Retail
In einem großartigen Artikel/Interview mit iXtenso (HIER KLICKEN) sprachen Dr. Anna Schwan von Schwan Communications und unser General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap darüber, was Städte und Stadtzentren tun müssen, um mehr Besucher anzuziehen. Natürlich gibt es viele...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 17, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Corona, covid_19, Customers, Hamburg, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Interview, Kunden, Music in general, Radiopark sounds good in
In a great article/interview with iXtenso (CLICK HERE) Dr. Anna Schwan from Schwan Communications and our General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap were talking about what cities and the city centers have to do in order to attract more visitors. Of course there are many...
by Fernando Reyes | Jan 30, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Customers, Hamburg, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, Instoremusic, Kunden
We are proud to announce that yesterday local branch of German national TV-station RTL filmed Tobias Hanemann (Corporate Director of Operations, NOVUM Hospitality) and Arndt-Helge Grap (General Manager, Radiopark) speaking about the importance of music in hotels and...