In the #Mood for #service

In the #Mood for #service

Anyone can surely relate to this: you have an issue to be resolved, let’s say your land line does not work. In our modern times you either chose to call your provider’s hotline or you write an email. You will receive a ticket number. This is the way you...
TBT or thinking of better weather…

TBT or thinking of better weather…

Today’s weather in Hamburg makes us dream of last year’s Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami, Florida. Of course it was all work, while we attended, but the day before the opening, we had some administrative tasks to perform. After that we took a small break...
Düsenberg Starplayer TV

Düsenberg Starplayer TV

After our “highway to weekend”-post with the iconic Gibson SG, we continue with a Düsenberg Guitar. The Starplayer TV is the most iconic model from Düsenber and is famous for the special “Duesy-Sound”, which set the six stringed hearts of...
When a supplier becomes a customer

When a supplier becomes a customer

In a great article/interview with iXtenso (CLICK HERE) Dr. Anna Schwan from Schwan Communications and our General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap were talking about what cities and the city centers have to do in order to attract more visitors. Of course there are many...