by Fernando Reyes | Sep 17, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Corona, covid_19, Einkaufszentrum, Hamburg, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Interview, Kunden, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark sounds good in, Retail
In einem großartigen Artikel/Interview mit iXtenso (HIER KLICKEN) sprachen Dr. Anna Schwan von Schwan Communications und unser General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap darüber, was Städte und Stadtzentren tun müssen, um mehr Besucher anzuziehen. Natürlich gibt es viele...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 17, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Corona, covid_19, Customers, Hamburg, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Interview, Kunden, Music in general, Radiopark sounds good in
In a great article/interview with iXtenso (CLICK HERE) Dr. Anna Schwan from Schwan Communications and our General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap were talking about what cities and the city centers have to do in order to attract more visitors. Of course there are many...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 2, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Cruise Ship, Customers, Dubai, Einkaufszentrum, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, installation, Instoremusic, Kreuzfahrt, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Mall, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark that's why
Be it gastronomy, hotel or retail: In our times a lot is invested in the interlinking of the online shop with the stationary trade, the establishment and maintenance of social media channels, brainstorming about campaigns, schools and recruiting employees, creating...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 1, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Customers, Gastronomie, gastronomy, installation, Instoremusic, Interview, Kunden, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Music Quote of the Day, Musik im Allgemeinen, Retail
Can music change your life? Can music help you understanding the world? A great quote from Metallica’s frontman James Hetfield: ” I was pretty much afraid of the world, really really shy kid, music was a way to speak as simple as that. I could either...
by Fernando Reyes | Aug 28, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Berlin, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Cruise Ship, Customers, Dubai, Einkaufszentrum, fieldtrip, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Hamburg, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, Instoremusic, Kunden, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Mall, Retail, UAE
Parts of our team met in Munich yesterday: Daniel Schmuck (Radiopark Berlin), Daniel Stoiber & Sven-Olaf Buschmann (Radiopark/toníque Munich) and Carl-Philipp Schoenlau General Manager Radiopark Middle East had fun meeting each other for the first time together in...
by Fernando Reyes | Aug 28, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Customers, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Hamburg, Hintergrundmusik, installation, Instoremusic, Instruments, Kreuzfahrt, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Mall, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark has music in its blood, Retail, Uncategorized
…our newest member of our office’s guitar lineup is the Gibson SG. Originally named Gibson Les Paul SG, this beauty became an icon as Angus Young’s choice. He of course is the legendary guitar player of AC/DC. Another legendary guitarist is Tony...