Kann Musik Hoteliers retten? Wenn ja, wie?
COVID19 hatte und hat immer noch einen großen Einfluss auf unser Leben. Social-Distancing, Masken und andere Maßnahmen sind immens wichtig, um die Verbreitung des Virus kollektiv zu stoppen. So hilfreich diese Maßnahmen auch sind, sie schränken auch die Interaktion...
Can music be a savior for hoteliers? If so, why?
COVID19 had and still has a major impact on our lives. Distancing, masks and other measures are so important to collectively stop spreading the virus. As helpful as these measures are, they also restrict interaction. Be it with the friendly service desk in the lobby...
Radiopark that’s why #11
As a full-service-provider, addtionally to our tailor made ambient music we create speaker plannings and provide professional speakers and amplifier. We are flexible and experienced to accompany the projects, whether right at the beginning of a new build cruise ship,...
“Hotel digital – mit Algorithmen gegen die Corona-Krise”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70GK1mFrw1k&feature=youtu.be Today's post is in German and deals with digitalization in the hospitality industry: Im neuen Experten-Talk der Hotellerie connectedby haben sich Madeleine Marx (GM The Westin Hamburg, Westin Hotels...
Radiopark that’s why #10
Be it gastronomy, hotel or retail: In our times a lot is invested in the interlinking of the online shop with the stationary trade, the establishment and maintenance of social media channels, brainstorming about campaigns, schools and recruiting employees, creating...
Music quote of the day #14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Eq9RVKT9XQ Can music change your life? Can music help you understanding the world? A great quote from Metallica's frontman James Hetfield: " I was pretty much afraid of the world, really really shy kid, music was a way to speak as...
Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson!
The most successful artist of all time. The male solo artist with the most # 1 singles in the US charts. The first singer to go from zero to number 1 in the US singles chart. The artist who won the most Grammy Awards at once (8). He's also the highest paid celebrity...
Radiopark meeting in Munich
Parts of our team met in Munich yesterday: Daniel Schmuck (Radiopark Berlin), Daniel Stoiber & Sven-Olaf Buschmann (Radiopark/toníque Munich) and Carl-Philipp Schoenlau General Manager Radiopark Middle East had fun meeting each other for the first time together in...
Highway to weekend…
...our newest member of our office's guitar lineup is the Gibson SG. Originally named Gibson Les Paul SG, this beauty became an icon as Angus Young's choice. He of course is the legendary guitar player of AC/DC. Another legendary guitarist is Tony Iommi from Black...
Music Quote of the Day #13
At Radiopark we think that music is wonderful. For this reason, we would like to send you a quote every week from well-known musicians, authors, actors and much more that express the power and effect that music has on us and our mood. Today's post is from Brian Hugh...