by Fernando Reyes | Jan 27, 2022 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Cruise Ship, Customers, Kreuzfahrt, Kunden, Neue Kunden, New Customers, News, Press, Press Releases, Presse, Pressemitteilungen, Radiopark sounds good in, Radiopark that's why
ENG: Hamburg, 25.01.2022: With Swan Hellenic, Radiopark wins another client from the luxury travel market. As the new music provider for the cultural expedition cruise line Swan Hellenic, Radiopark is now developing exclusive sound designs for voyages to the polar...
by Radiopark News | Jan 4, 2021 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Canary Islands, Customers, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, Kunden, News, Radiopark that's why, special day
Wir gratulieren unserem Kunden Robinson Club herzlich zu seinem 50-jährigen Bestehen. Am 01.01.1971 öffnete der erste Robinson Club seine Pforten. Auf Fuerteventura legte der Cluburlaub-Anbieter mit dem Jandia Playa den Grundstein für eine einzigartige...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 4, 2020 | Backgroundmusic, fieldtrip, Hintergrundmusik, installation, Radiopark that's why
As a full-service-provider, addtionally to our tailor made ambient music we create speaker plannings and provide professional speakers and amplifier. We are flexible and experienced to accompany the projects, whether right at the beginning of a new build cruise ship,...
by Fernando Reyes | Sep 2, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, blogentry, Cruise Ship, Customers, Dubai, Einkaufszentrum, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Handel, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, installation, Instoremusic, Kreuzfahrt, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Mall, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark that's why
Be it gastronomy, hotel or retail: In our times a lot is invested in the interlinking of the online shop with the stationary trade, the establishment and maintenance of social media channels, brainstorming about campaigns, schools and recruiting employees, creating...
by Fernando Reyes | Aug 10, 2020 | Hintergrundmusik, installation, Radiopark that's why
As a full-service-provider, Radiopark not only provides professionally and custom developed music programs but also takes care of the optimal audio planning and the installation of sound equipment. Each room’s individual properties are taken into consideration....
by Fernando Reyes | Jul 27, 2020 | Radiopark that's why
Our mediaplayer RAMPmini is currently the most compact, efficient and ecological device on the market. It is a thing of extremes: extremely easy to install, with an extremely low power-usage, extremely reliable and extremely light and small. The RAMPmini mediaplayer...