by Fernando Reyes | May 22, 2020 | Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, special day
Richard Wagner was one of the most important innovators of European music in the 19th century. Today he would have been 207 years old. We say Happy Birthday!
by Fernando Reyes | May 21, 2020 | Hamburg, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, special day
Radiopark wishes all dads a happy Father’s Day. Our Sales & Marketing Director Fernando is also celebrating today with his little daughter. Here we see them training in Fernando’s dojo – the Bujinkan Hoshi Hamburg Dôjô.
by Fernando Reyes | May 19, 2020 | Hamburg, Instruments, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark has music in its blood
Our Radiopark-Team has music in its blood. Whether guitar, piano, singing or producing – we live and love music. Our General Manager Helge, for example, studied Music.
by Fernando Reyes | May 15, 2020 | Backgroundmusic, Hamburg, Hintergrundmusik, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen
Radiopark has a music archive of over 1 million tracks – that means a lot of CDs! Today the big spring cleaning takes place and some dusty data carriers find their way into the garbage. For our customers, this means: space for a lot of new music so that you...
by Fernando Reyes | May 14, 2020 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Customers, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Hamburg, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, Instoremusic, Kunden, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Radiopark sounds good in
Based in Hamburg Radiopark supplies customers all over the world with music, for example in Africa! Here you’ll find clients such as Innscor, TUI Magic Life or the Viking Ra. We give hotels, restaurants, shops and cruise ships their own distinctive acousitc...