Cooler Sound während der Krise / Cool sound during the crises

Cooler Sound während der Krise / Cool sound during the crises DE: Radiopark stellt seinen Kunden, deren Betriebe auf Sparflamme laufen, zwei kostenlose Klangkonzepte zur Verfügung, die die Musikredakteure eigens für die Coronazeit kuratiert haben. Ziel ist es, die...

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Message for our followers and clients Despite these difficult times and Radiopark partially working from home #wearehereforyou fully available and ready for your requests, working for your music programs and for support... keep the music playing.

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Home office with Radiopark

Home office with Radiopark

Even in this difficult times, our staff is working. Of course we are taking care of our environment and ourselves by working from home. The power of music can boost morale and motivation, as the people in Italy currently demonstrate by partially singing on their...

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