von Fernando Reyes | Okt 30, 2019 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Cruise Ship, fair, fieldtrip, Hintergrundmusik, Kreuzfahrt, Unkategorisiert
For the third consecutive time, Radiopark will be at the Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami. Seatrade Cruise Global is the largest cruise industry gathering in the world, where the whole industry comes together. We are looking forward to join this great event in this...
von Fernando Reyes | Okt 29, 2019 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Cruise Ship, Gastronomie, gastronomy, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Luxury Hotel, Luxushotel, Mall, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen, Unkategorisiert
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the answer to yesterday’s quiz. Our chief-editor Nic is currently in Japan and enjoys being at Tower Records in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Of course this is a great opportunity to enlarge the already impressing music-archive for Radiopark’s head...
von Fernando Reyes | Okt 28, 2019 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, fieldtrip, Hintergrundmusik, Instoremusic, Music in general, Musik im Allgemeinen
This week we will start with a quiz: Can you imagine where this picture has been taken (Tower Records, yes… but in which country)? And if you got it… can you guess who is currently there?
von Viktoria Schamberger | Okt 23, 2019 | Ambiente, Atmosphäre, Backgroundmusic, Cruise Ship, england, Hintergrundmusik, Kreuzfahrt, Kunden
Radiopark successfully completed the installation on the third ship in Southampton: P&O Britannia. Another beautiful cruise ship that makes us want to go on a long vacation. Background music is all set so that guests (and crew!) will enjoy the atmosphere. Time to...
von Radiopark News | Okt 22, 2019 | Backgroundmusic, Blogeintrag, Cruise Ship, Customers, Hintergrundmusik, Hotel, Kreuzfahrt
To all Lufthansa frequent flyers: Our General Manager Arndt-Helge Grap has been interviewed for Lufthansa Exclusive! Read the (German) Interview here courtesy of Lufthansa Exclusive magazine.